After graduating, you will be able to find employment as:
- preschool, primary school, additional educa-tion or special needs teacher for hearing impaired chil-dren;
- teacher for deaf and hearing impaired chil-dren at a rehabilitation centre;
- special needs and hearing impaired education expert at a medical, psychological and pedagogical as-sessment board;
- teacher, coach, programme manager or art di-rector at an additional education institution;
- tutor or individual support teacher for deaf and hearing impaired teacher at an inclusive kindergarten or school;
- teacher for deaf and hearing impaired chil-dren at a healthcare or hearing and speech treatment fa-cility;
- teacher at a deaf and hearing impaired centre;
- teacher or methodology expert at a centre for rehabilitation of children and adults after cochlear or au-ditory brainstem implantation;
- homeschooling teacher for hearing impaired children or adults.