Module “Innovative Techniques in Assessment and Treatment of Speech Disorders”. Modules:
- Alternative and Augmented Communication Tools;
- Special Education Equipment;
- Art and Music Therapy in Speech Disorder Treatment.
Module “Psychological and Pedagogical Support in Speech and Language Training for People with Speech Disorders”. Disciplines:
- Psychological and Educational Assessment of People with Speech Disorders;
- Speech and Language Psychology;
- Psychological Counselling.
First elective module “Advanced Speech and Language Therapy” (for students with a degree in special education). Disciplines:
- Medicine and Biology in Speech and Language Therapy;
- Aphasia Mechanisms and Assessment;
- Special Education for People with Aphasia;
- Dysphagia Assessment;
- Speech and Language Therapy for People with Dysphagia.
Second elective module “Speech and Language Assessment and Therapy” (for students without a degree in special education). Disciplines:
- Medical and Biological Foundations of Speech and Language Therapy;
- Speech Sound Disorders: Dyslalia, Dysarthria and Rhinolalia;
- Assessment, Prevention and Correction of Writing Disorders: Dysgraphia and Dyslexia;
- Assessment, Prevention and Correction of Complex Speech Disorders: Alalia and General Speech Underdevelopment;
- Assessment, Prevention and Correction of Speech Speed and Rhythm Abnormalities: Tachylalia, Bradyarthria and Stutter.
Module “Psychological, Medical and Educational Challenges in Education for People with Disabilities”. Disciplines:
- Medical and Biological Challenges in Education for People with Disabilities;
- Psychological and Educational Challenges in Education for People with Disabilities.