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The Institute

of Philosophy

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The Herzen University Institute of Philosophy was founded in 1993. After almost three decades, we are still the only research and educational centre in Russia that prepares specialists to undertake comprehensive studies in anthropology.

Our graduates work successfully as teachers, authors, and sociologists in educational institutions, research centres, publishing houses, and media agencies. They also maintain their own blogs and publish books.

Our Advantages

  • Possibilities to gain experience as speakers at academic seminars and conferences

  • Student academic societies at the Institute exploring a variety of issues, from advanced strategies in public relations to contemporary philosophy to applied ethics

Our Teachers

  • 26

    Doctors of Sciences

  • 32

    Candidates of Sciences

Famous graduates


A philosopher, writer, and social commentator and the son of historian Arseny Roginsky and Natalia Roginsky. Mr Roginsky teaches literature, Russian and English at the Classical Gymnasium of St Petersburg.


A Candidate of Philosophy and associate professor at the Karelian State Pedagogical Institute, where, from 1973 to 1996, he was head of the Department of Philosophy. He was also a deputy of the Supreme Soviet and an Honoured Academic of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Photo gallery