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The Institute of

the Peoples of the North

  • 0
    year Institute of the Peoples of the North began work
  • 0+
    highly qualified teachers
The Institute of Peoples of the North was founded more than 80 years ago. Today we teach more than 20 languages of the indigenous, small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East. The Institute plays a significant role in the development of education for indigenous peoples of the North.

Our graduates hold key positions in the main areas of education and culture of the North, working as writers, artists, journalists, authors of textbooks, teachers, and researchers of the region. Some of them are also public and political figures.

Our Benefits

  • An education focusing on the Russian North – a region of strategic importance for the country’s future

  • Academic and cultural ties with international research and non-governmental organisations, educational institutions and museums in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada, France, Japan, and other countries

  • Opportunities to gain experience as speakers at academic seminars and conferences

  • Access to networking events with prospective employers, who are also its partners

Academic Staff

  • 25

    representatives of indigenous peoples of the North

  • 8

    Doctors of Sciences

  • 23

    Candidates of Sciences

Famous graduates


A Nivkh writer, a social commentator, and the founder of Nivkh literature. He was also one of the creators of the reformed Nivkh alphabet.

Photo gallery