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The Institute

of Physics

  • 0+
    highly qualified teachers
  • 0+
    students in total
  • 0+
    foreign students
The Institute of Physics was one of the first institute at Herzen University. It has often been honoured with the annual Greatest Potential award and is the current holder of this title.

The Institute of Physics graduates have gone on to become successful teachers, laboratory assistants at research institutes and other research centres, and also engineers and laboratory technicians at institutions of higher education.

Our Benefits

  • A physics research institute, which allows students to conduct their own scientific research

  • An annual student research and education project, The Latest Developments in Science and Technology

  • Weekly research seminars: a citywide, inter-university seminar on quantum optics and an inter-university research seminar on issues of cosmology and gravity

Academic Staff

  • 3

    Honoured Academics of Russia

  • 1

    Honorary Higher Vocational Education Worker of Russia

  • 20

    Doctors of Sciences

  • 18

    Candidates of Sciences

Famous graduates


An Honoured Scholar of Russia, the president of Herzen University and the founder of two schools of thought, one in the field of high-resistance semiconductors and the other in the field of higher vocational education


An internationally renowned nuclear physicist, one of the of early advocates of the peaceful atom, a teacher at Herzen University, a three-time recipient of the Hero of Socialist Labor award, and the founder and first director of the Institute of Atomic Energy


A Soviet and Russian psychologist, a teacher, a mathematician, a great authority in pedagogical and mathematical psychology, and a graduate of Herzen University