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The Institute of Russian

as a Foreign Language

  • 0+
    highly qualified academic staff
  • 0+
    foreign students
The Institute of Russian as a Foreign Language was created to train students from foreign countries to become experts in the Russian language. Currently, the University has agreements with 60 universities and educational institutions from the US, the UK, Austria, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Finland, China, Korea, Israel and Japan.

Faculty graduates have been able to find their calling in various fields. They are highly sought after as teachers, translators, entrepreneurs, employees of migration agencies and representatives of various companies in Russia and in the rest of the world.

One outstanding alumna is

Mun Ji-hee. After graduating, she went back to South Korea, where she now teaches Russian in major companies that focus on cooperation between Russia and South Korea.

Our Benefits

  • The possibility of earning another degree at one of the other University faculties

  • An opportunity to participate in international events, such as conferences, seminars and roundtables

  • Russian language skills applicable for doing business not only in a student’s home country, but in Russia as well

Academic Staff

  • 1

    Honorary Professional of Russia

  • 4

    Honorary Higher Education Professionals of Russia

  • 29

    Candidates of Sciences

  • 2

    Doctors of Science

Famous graduates


After graduating, she went back to South Korea, where she now teaches Russian in major companies that focus on cooperation between Russia and South Korea.

Photo gallery